Her persona

This is Marii.

Few facts about her:

  • 90’s child
  • born Virgo in a Horse year – Everything needs to be in order and have a purpose in her life.
  • Left-handed
  • Wearing glasses: nearsighted
  • Introvert

Moto: Life has its ups and downs but in the end, everything is going to be OK.

Tech. knowledge

  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Sketch
  • Office suite
  • Instagram account management (@uruthecattledog)


  • Small negative things tend to ruin good products/services
  • Most companies still do not test their products and services

Goals for this blog

  1. Get more into UX: learn and experience more
  2. Educate people(especially beginners like herself) about UX

She is passionate about UX. She hasn’t got many chances to do it professionally, but this does not mean she isn’t thinking about it daily. To get her thoughts of her daily UX out of her mind, she created this blog. Basically to share her insights on different situations and how she would improve them. In the future, she would love to design more positive experiences and hopefully get more professional opportunities.